
火灾慰问信范文50字左右 第1篇

Dear victims, the earthquake that happened in Sichuan Province two weeks ago was a huge disaster for our whole country. Up to now, it has caused economic and life losses. 50000 people have lost their lives in the earthquake.

What's more, 5 million people are homeless because most of the buildings collapsed. We feel sorry for the accident. Many children have lost their parents and many couples have lost their loved ones.

When I heard the news, I couldn't help crying. The touching story happened in the disaster. Our whole country is a big family, and every member wants to extend a helping hand to the people in the epicenter of the earthquake.

We must show our enthusiasm and donate money to the disaster area Since the earthquake, they have taken a series of actions. I believe that the disaster area will soon work with the soldiers to restore other enthusiastic people to help the future bright, and sincerely refuel for you XXX.



火灾慰问信范文50字左右 第2篇

Dear Bob: Yes, it's a pity that you are sick in our daily life. Sometimes you ignore yourself and give us too much love and care. It is because of your hard work that we can make continuous progress.

Every class expects you to recover as soon as possible when you leave. We all miss you very much, because you are not only a teacher, we all love you, and hope you can be early Good luck to you Li Hua.



火灾慰问信范文50字左右 第3篇

Dear: I think I heard you had a car accident and you were badly hurt. How do you feel now? It's better not to worry about anything, because you have friends like me who will always be with you. Now what you should do is to focus on the promotion of rahabi.

I will see you take care of yourself soon and everything will be all right for you.



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